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Biotin Hair Growth Serum

Brands: Glemme Young17
(1 reviews)

Rs 4500 Rs 5000 You Save 500

Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Products Kit, The Highest Quality And Most Authentic Products, Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women

In Pakistan, Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Serum - With a desertcart Plus subscription, you can receive free shipping in 164+ countries at no restriction. Without the bother of shipping, taxes, or duties, we can send the Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Products Kit Microneedle Derma Roller For Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women Best Hair Loss Treatment quickly.For all clients, the business guarantees a fair and secure buying experience by utilising the most recent upgraded technologies and software systems.

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Biotin Hair Growth Serum price in pakistan

Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Products Kit, The Highest Quality And Most Authentic Products, Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women

In Pakistan, Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Serum - With a desertcart Plus subscription, you can receive free shipping in 164+ countries at no restriction. Without the bother of shipping, taxes, or duties, we can send the Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Products Kit Microneedle Derma Roller For Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women Best Hair Loss Treatment quickly.For all clients, the business guarantees a fair and secure buying experience by utilising the most recent upgraded technologies and software systems.

The organisation uses encryption and other cutting-edge software and technologies to protect your information in a very secure manner. Clinical research, investigations, and trials have shown that using the derma roller to cure hair loss is quite beneficial.

Glemme Biotin Hair Treatment Buy Now

In Pakistan, Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Serum - The needles are used to puncture the skin with small pinpricks.Customers of desertcart have left a number of favourable evaluations on websites like Trustpilot, etc. In order to ensure that all of the items are genuine, desertcart purchases Glemme Biotin Hair Growth items Kit Microneedle Derma Roller For Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women Best Hair Loss Treatment straight from the authorised representatives. Our committed staff members are experts in quality assurance and prompt delivery.

Along with a free 14-day return policy, we also offer customer support services around-the-clock.The website employs an HTTPS system to safeguard all users, financial information, and online transactions. The Glemme Biotin Hair Growth Products Kit Microneedle Derma Roller For Scalp Hair Regrowth Men And Women Best Hair Loss Treatment is delivered by desertcart to cities in Pakistan including Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, and more.

It has been shown to work better when used with our hair development serum and is safe for your scalp, hair, and the rest of your body. The pricks cause minimal skin damage and only a slight amount of pain while penetrating the dermis just deeply enough to encourage the growth of new cells and improve circulation.  

Are You Interested In Purchasing The Original Biotin Hair Growth Serum? You Can Find The Best Price Rs:4500 For It On BwPakistan. Order Now And Get It Delvered To Your Doorstep We Offer The Best Deals On Biotin Hair Growth Serum With Cash On Delivery Optinon Available In Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, and All Across Pakistan Shop Now Biotin Hair Growth Serum. Our Official Blog BwPakistan.com

Information Details and Reviews

Category :

Herbal Supplements

Shipping :

2 - 3 Business Days (In Pakistan)

Available : In Stock
Brand :

Glemme Young17

Made In


Size :

30 ml


Answer: Our Biotin Hair Growth Serum is infused with a potent concentration of Biotin (2.5%), a critical vitamin for hair growth and health. This ingredient is renowned for strengthening hair strands, reducing breakage, and promoting a fuller look.

Answer: This ingredient is renowned for strengthening hair strands, reducing breakage, and promoting a fuller look. With the generous helping of Niacinamide and Panthenol, our serum targets hair at a cellular level, promoting improved scalp health, increased hair elasticity, and enviable thickness.

Answer: Ingredients: Distilled water (69.95%), Propanediol 1,3 (5%), Vegetable Glycerin (4%), Biotin (2.5%), Niacinamide (2%), Panthenol (1.5%), Pisum Sativum (Pea) Sprout Extract (2%), Bamboo Extract (1%), Green Tea Extract (1%), Rosemary Extract (1%), Saw Palmetto Extract (1%), Lavender Essential Oil (0.5%), Peppermint

Answer: Take your favorite oil and add 5-10 drops into this oil. Mix and apply it on the scalp for 3-4 hours or the whole night. After shampooing take 4-5 drops and directly apply on the scalp.

Answer: Take your favorite oil and add 5-10 drops into this oil. Mix and apply it on the scalp for 3-4 hours or the whole night. After shampooing take 4-5 drops and directly apply on the scalp.

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(1) Reviews on Biotin Hair Growth Serum

Bilal Anjum Verified Purchase
Oct 23, 2023

My first review of this product was received on time and now I checked the result.

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